COVID-19 Updates From
The Grove at Oakleaf Village

Current Status Updates:

  • There are currently no cases at any of our communities.
  • Temporary restriction in place for all indoor visits except end-of-life situations. Please contact us to schedule an outdoor visit with your loved one.

For Questions Please Contact our Executive Directors:

The Grove Sylvania
Diane Doneghy

The Grove Columbus
Dawn Nero

COVID-19 Diligence

Everyone in our communities is dedicated to providing exceptional resident-focused care – even during a pandemic with:

  • COVID-19 vaccinations available to all residents and associates. Vaccinated residents are only required to quarantine for 3 days after move-in.
  • Mitigating the spread of virus-causing germs with new Needlepoint Bi-polar Ionization air Filtration Systems in common areas
  • Self-contained individual heating and cooling units for each room

We take a safety-first approach with:

  • Proactive screening of guests who enter the building based on health symptoms and geographical hot spots
  • Associate COVID-19 testing every week
  • A masks mandate for associates, residents and visitors
  • Enhanced sanitation/disinfection protocols

UPDATE: 3/23/2021

The Ohio Department of Health will issue an updated order related to assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Changes to the order include:

  • Visitation will be permitted whenever safety protocols can be met.
  • Vaccinated residents may have physical touch with their visitor while wearing a mask.
  • Visits may occur in a resident’s private room, as opposed a separate visitation area as previously required.
  • 30 minutes is the minimum amount of time for a visit, which needs to be scheduled in advance.
  • General visitation requirements will remain the same including scheduling appointments in advance, screenings at the door and mask wearing.

The updated order will also require facilities to test vaccinated staff once per week and unvaccinated staff twice per week.

UPDATE: 6/18/2020

Over the past couple of weeks, four of our residents at the Grove at Oakleaf Village of Sylvania tested positive for COVID-19. After a fourteen-day quarantine as well as proper treatment, we are happy to announce that we are now COVID-19 free at our Sylvania campus. Currently, there are no other confirmed cases at our Columbus campus.

As we continue to monitor this outbreak, we are ensuring the health and safety within our community by taking temperatures of our residents and staff twice a day and closely monitor respiratory health.

We are excited to welcome back visitors to our communities in accordance with Governor Mike DeWine’s allowance of socially distant outdoor visits. Our communities are still following Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines regarding prevention and infection control practices including wearing gloves, masks, hand washing, and social distancing.

If you would like to schedule a visit time with your loved one, please call your respective community. Additionally, if you have any questions, please reach out to our Executive Directors at the contact information provided on this page.

UPDATE: 5/15/2020

In accordance with the Ohio Health Department’s state-issued order on April 15, 2020, and to provide full transparency to the public, on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, we notified all residents, family members and staff of one confirmed staff case of COVID-19 at The Grove community in Sylvania, Ohio. This staff member was quarantined at their home immediately after showing symptoms on Monday, May 4, 2020 and the confirmed test results were received on May 12, 2020. This staff member had no interaction with residents or staff since being quarantined.

As of May 15, 2020, there are currently no additional confirmed cases at our Sylvania campus. There are also no confirmed cases at our other Grove and Oakleaf communities.

To ensure the health and safety within our community, we continue to take resident and staff temperatures frequently and monitor their respiratory health. We also now have testing capabilities on-site and will immediately test residents or staff showing symptoms. We continue following the guidelines regarding prevention and infection control practices including wearing gloves and masks, hand washing, and social distancing.

Additionally, we continue to maintain the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended cleaning guidelines to keep our residents safe.  We will continue to restrict all non-essential visitors.

We will continue the practices listed above until the restrictions are lifted by the Ohio Department of Health and at this time, we do not have an anticipated date of when that will happen.

If you have questions, please reach out to our Executive Directors at the contact information provided on this page.

UPDATE: 4/21/2020

As of April 21st, 2020, we have NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in any of our senior living communities. We are closely monitoring our residents and staff as well as following CDC guidelines of social distancing and enhancing sanitation practices.

Our corporate team at Wallick Communities wants to recognize the hard work of our staff during this difficult time by providing them with a Hero Bonus. Starting April 9th, our hourly associates received a $2/hour raise above their standard base rate. We understand it is a tough time for everyone right now and we appreciate everything our staff has done for our residents thus far.

To learn more about the Hero Bonus, check out this article.

UPDATE: 4/6/2020

We are happy to report that as of today, April 6, 2020, we have zero confirmed cases of COVID-19 at any of our communities. We continue to proactively monitor both residents and staff closely and follow the recommended guidance of the CDC and other government agencies.

We are so appreciative of our staff and the residents as we work together to get through this pandemic. Please visit our community Facebook pages for further updates from our amazing staff on the creative ways we are staying active and connected to loved ones.

The Grove at Oakleaf Village of Columbus Facebook page

The Grove at Oakleaf Village of Sylvania Facebook page

We continue to strongly suggest alternative methods of connecting with your loved ones via telephone, email, Skype, Facetime, or other digital methods.

UPDATE: 3/15/2020

We are continuing to follow guidance from the CDC and other government agencies. Under that guidance, effective yesterday, all of our communities are under a NO VISITOR restriction except for end-of-life situations.

The safety and health of your loved ones and our staff continues to be our first priority. Please know that we have strict protocols in place and are following all the recommended steps to battle the COVID-19 Virus. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Executive Directors.

UPDATE: 3/14/2020

We know this is a very difficult time and this restriction may be inconvenient, but the safety and health of your loved ones is our first priority. Following guidance from the CDC and other government agencies and by order of the Ohio Department of Health, effective immediately we are temporarily restricting ALL VISITORS from our community, except for end of life situations.

We suggest alternative methods of communication including: telephone calls, email, Skype, or Facetime.

Below are the requirements for anyone who feels they must visit:

  • Visitors are limited to one per resident per day.
  • Check in at the front desk and sign the visitor sign in sheet.
  • You will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire.
  • You will have your temperature taken and recorded
  • Do not enter any resident common areas e.g. Dining room, Activities room
  • Visit must be done in resident’s apartment
  • Check out at the front desk and sign out.

Please contact the Executive Director with questions or concerns about this restriction.

UPDATE: 3/13/2020

Re: Addressing the Coronavirus; Caring for our Residents in a Safe and Healthy Environment

Dear residents, family members and friends,

As I am sure each of you are closely following the news and developments related to the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, so are we. Ensuring our residents are cared for in a safe and healthy environment is our first priority.

At this time, we do not have any cases of Coronavirus in our Senior Living communities, and we are working diligently to ensure that continues.

Since this is a quickly developing situation, no one has all the answers. However, we want to assure you that we are paying close attention, that we are prepared and that we are and will continue to do everything possible to safeguard the ongoing health of our residents, associates and visitors.

First, we are limiting access to our community, which is the most important step we can take to safeguard our residents. We understand this will be inconvenient, but it’s imperative we take these measures. In fact, we have been instructed to do so based on a Joint Directors’ Order from the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Veteran Services. This Order is supported by direction from the National Center for Assisted Living, American Health Care Association and Governor Mike DeWine’s office.

Effectively immediately, access to our community is limited of one visitor per resident per day.

  • In addition, those entering the community must follow these provisions:
    • Be screened by our staff for illness and temperature.
    • Be logged in.
    • NOT have any of the following:
      • fever,
      • cough,
      • shortness of breath,
      • traveled internationally in the last 14 days,
      • traveled to an area where COVID-19 is spreading within the past 14 days, or
      • been in close contact with people who have traveled to areas where COVID-19 is
        spreading within the past 14 days.

In general, we are strongly discouraging all routine social visits. We understand how important it is to communicate with your loved one, and recommend communication via telephone, email, or video calls (using FaceTime, Skype, Zoom or the like).

Other measures we are taking to limit the risk of exposure include:

  • Implementing more stringent cleaning measures, and procurement of additional cleaning and safety supplies.
  • Insisting our associates stay home if they have a fever, cough or shortness of breath. And if they get these symptoms while at work, we ask them to let their manager know and then go home.
  • Communicating with our food and pharmacy providers in case of quarantine.
  • Suspending non-essential airline business travel for our associates and asking them to report any personal airline travel, to reduce the chances of them coming in contact with the virus.
  • Reminding everyone that while they may be healthy and at low personal risk (if they were to contract the Coronavirus), the greater risk is that they could become a carrier and hence pass the virus onto to others who are not as healthy and in higher-risk health conditions.
  • Launching a COVID-19 webpage on our company’s websites to ensure our associates, residents and family members have a go-to resource for the latest news and company guidance, including steps they must take to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This will in place within days.

Support and questions

We understand that you may have questions about specific situations or need clarification on what this means. For these issues, please feel free to call our community our COVID-19 Hotline at 412- 847-2167 or 1-888-762-0052. They may not be able to answer your question on the spot, but they will be able to capture your question and allow the right person to quickly call you back. New information and direction is coming daily, if not hourly, and we are adjusting with it. We will keep you up to date with how we are working to mitigate these risks and keep your family member safe.

Thank you for your support and cooperation as we work through this difficult situation. It will take all
of us working together to keep all of us safe and well.


Tom Feusse
Wallick Communities